Cinderella (1950)


(14 phiếu bầu)

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When Cinderella wakes Lucifer up at the beginning of the movie, she opens the room door from right to left.

The shadow of the door on the floor moves from left to right.

When Cinderella wakes Lucifer up he comes out of the room, yawns and makes scratch marks on the floor.

Next time we see the floor near the stepmother's room it has disappeared.

After Lucifer sees Gus is under the teacup on the right tray in Cinderella's hand, he runs up to the top of the stairs to get him when she passes by, but Cinderella drops off the right tray to Drizella's room first, then the left one to Anastasia's room.

Anastasia runs out of her room screaming, showing that Gus was in her teacup (the left tray) when it should have been Drizella running out, or Gus should have been on the left tray.

In the morning while Cinderella is singing, Jaq is sitting on the headboard of the bed, then once the palace clock chimes Jaq is at the foot of the bed.

When the King is dancing down the hall after leaving the Duke in charge of the ball, there is light filtering out of the open door at the end of the hall.

When he closes the door, the light is still there.

When Cinderella enters the stepmother's room after one of the stepsisters found Gus in her breakfast, she is casting a shadow behind her.

When she nears the stepmother's bed, she casts a shadow over the bed, in front of her.

When Cinderella is getting dressed in the morning she pulls the hair ribbon around all of her hair.

In the next shot it is tied only around half.

Cinderella's bed sheet has patches, but when the birds fold it, the patches are gone.

When Cinderella and the Prince are getting married, Cinderella wears a long-sleeved wedding gown.

Afterwards, when we see them through the back window of the carriage, her gown has puffed sleeves.

When Cinderella comes down as the Grand Duke is leaving with the slipper, he turns and puts on his monocle.

Then after speaking to the stepmother he removes it.

When he takes Cinderella's hand to help her down the stairs, his monocle is back on his eye.

We never see him replace it.

During the ball, the Duke's monocle gets broken during an argument with the King and he looks through the broken monocle at the King as the King leaves.

When the Duke goes down to keep and eye on the Prince and Cinderella and as he closes the curtain on the snooping stepmother, his monocle is intact again.

When Cinderella and the Prince are dancing, just before they go out into the garden, they cast large shadows onto the wall.

These shadows do not match their movements.

When Anastasia is kicking the footman into the piano keys, his head hits the keys on the far left of the piano, but higher-pitched notes can also be heard, which could not possibly be heard from the far left end of the piano.

When the Fairy Godmother changes the mice into horses, aside from Gus and Jaq, she changes one mouse with a hat, and another without.

However, when they turn back, the two mice besides Gus and Jaq are both wearing hats.

After Gus drops his breakfast in the kitchen, Lucifer starts to go after Gus.

As Lucifer starts to creep up on Gus, Jaq pulls out one of Lucifer's whiskers.

But after Gus drops his breakfast again and the next shot goes to Lucifer, Lucifer's whisker is back.

Just before the stepmother locks Cinderella in her room, she asks Gus and Jaq what they are warning her about.

When the stepmother takes her key, Cinderella turns around while she says "Oh, no!", but her mouth isn't moving.

When the mice and birds are trying to get Lucifer to let the teacup go, so Gus can get the key to Cinderella, the birds drop some dishes on Lucifer in attempt to let Gus go.

The next time we see the floor there are no broken dishes on the floor.

When Cinderella comes down asking to try on the glass slipper we see a rip on her apron.

But the next time we see her apron the rip is fixed.

In older versions of the movie, Lucifer's fur is brown when he tries to catch Gus shortly before he turns into a horse and scares Lucifer before leaving for the ball.

This has been corrected in later versions of the movie.

In the opening scene of the mice sewing the dress, there is a pink bow being lifted to the collar.

In the next shot of the dress, it's gone, and later on the birds use ribbon to tie the bow.

On the palace clock when the clock strikes eight, the eleven reads 'XII'.

All throughout the movie, Drizella's ball gown changes from being yellow green to a lighter one.

When the mice point out that Cinderella still has a glass slipper (just after midnight), the slipper is on her right foot, and it is established throughout that the slipper left behind is the left foot's.

After that slipper is broken and Cinderella pulls out the right one, it is placed on her right foot; however, and this is the goof, when she first sits down to have the left slipper tried on before it breaks, she is in the same position, with her right foot held out and unshod.

During the dress-making scene (where the mice are using thread strings to put the dress together), a white string on the left disappears (and then reappears) after about 1 second.

On the palace clock, the Roman numeral 4 is written as "IIII" instead of "IV".

However, historically, 4 in Roman numerals was written "IIII".

The subtractive system in Roman numerals in which 4 is written as "IV" is fairly modern.

On the 2005 DVD edition, if watching with closed captioning or English subtitles, when Anastasia starts to panic when she sees Gus under her teacup, the subtitle and/or caption identifies Anastasia as Drizella up until she goes into her mother's room to complain about Gus.

At the end, when Cinderella's wedding gown has long sleeves.

But when she kisses Prince Charming, the sleeves are shorter.

At the end of the dress making scene Jaq can be seen going on a string from the left side of the screen into a chest.

Immediately after he comes from the left on the string again into the chest.

The morning after the ball, when Cinderella is under the stair receiving orders from her stepmother, the clock besides her changes hour between shots.

Box Office

Ngày thángKhu vựcTổng
1987 USA USD 34,101,149
1981 USA USD 28,040,000
USA USD 85,000,000
Ngày thángKhu vựcTổngMàn hình
20 November 1987 USA USD 5,165,881 1 screen
18 December 1981 USA USD 1,300,000 560

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